Sunday, February 28, 2010

We recently returned from our annual ski vacation in Park City. We had a great time. This years trip had many highlights. The skiing was great. The company was great. The stomach flu was not great. With in hours of our arrival the illness arrived. Taking out one family member after another. All but 4 of the 28 Jacobs family members in attendance this year were infected. In addition to the stomach flu one individual lost consciousness resulting in a visitation by the spirit, who quickly accessed the situation and went back to bed. (note: spirit not shown in photographs). Here is August, Eden, and Libby on the ski lift. Following the week at Park City Libby and the kids spent a week having fun with "Grandma Emmie"and Grandpa Val.
Eden basking in the great weather. The sky is always that blue in Seattle. You just can't see it because of the clouds.
Sophie's first and last ski trip this year. She is smiling here, but rest assured the smile quickly faded. Barely 3 is a little young for a good time.

Here is a picture of group that did the most damage to the condo. Eden, Beck, Emery, Jensen, August, and Zoe. If you see any of these kids please notify condo management.


  1. That stinks that you guys all got sick! But it sounds like you still had fun. I can't wait for the day to come to start teaching our kids to ski. That blue sky looks heavenly! It has been MONTHS since we have seen the sun. I am READY for spring!

  2. Oh my gosh, I loved your comment on my post. I totally forgot about that!! Oh the days, how I miss snowboarding with my friends!! Bailey is a new new new beginner, so I had to ditch her and I spent the day pretty much solo, it was great fun, but I did miss my old buddies!!
